I know you all are a bit tired of it but for formality sake.XDHAPPY YEAR YEAR~~Yesterday, after co-workers night, we(the Tiews: me, joyce, faith, joseph; pearlyn, janice, jesslyn, shuxin, aaron, jeremy, michelle, JingYang, the Kirks: Yvonne, Angela, Sabrina, then amandia joined us at ECP) went to Easr Coast Part(ECP) for count-down.
(Actually I wanted to go home, but my brother and sisters don't want to. Haiz..)We could see the fire-works from Marina Bay then the boats sent out flare. It looked pretty good from my view. Then the stars and the night sky were GORGEROUS. Then faith and I were pigging out the potato chips. Then talked lor. We shared about our New Year Resolution.
My New Year Resoultion for 2009:
1) BLOOMING spiritual life
2) Do well for my A levels
3) Stay healthy (me, my family, my friends and everyone around me)
4) Better time management
5) Learn Japanese*** and driving
6) Save up MONEY$$$$$(Then can go Taiwan to shop and Japan to walk~~)
Co-workers night photos:
Going off to slack~~